How do you use Facebook to alert people about my lost pet?

As you may or may not know, every Facebook user has a personal news feed that is displayed when they first log in – it’s a collection of posts (images/text) your friends have made or shared recently and is basically what everyone browses through daily for 30+ minutes. In the news feed, Facebook occasionally places a “Sponsored Post” (an advertisement) that a business has paid to show to you based on your interests, gender, age, or geo-location – it looks and functions just like any other post (can be liked, commented, and shared) with the exception of being labeled ‘sponsored’ in the corner.

It’s estimated that more than half of the US uses Facebook, with nearly 70 percent of smartphone users checking it everyday – this makes for a perfect opportunity to use their platform to spread the word about your lost pet to thousands of people in a precise area, and quickly!